Friday, March 5, 2010

Another Theory of longevity

You have a headache thinking about your child's school fees higher and higher from year to year? Be thankfull !!! If you do not need to take care of kids, you're probably dead right now!!!
This theory was presented by Dr. Ronald Lee, a demography expert at the University of California at Berkeley, publised in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. He said that the role of caretaker is a descendant of the factors that determine the lifetime of a species.
Lee predicted, the death of the life cycle defined by a combination of two factors: Classical Exchange, the influence of the reproductive period, and the effect of the transfer, the economic term for the descendants of maintenance functions.
Biologists and demographers welcomes this theory. This is a development of the theory of aging put forward by William Hamilton. According to Hamilton, most animals died after the reproductive function because the duty to ensure the sustainability of the species has been completed. Meanwhile, descendants of species that need maintenance to survive given the opportunity to live longer. This theory is the classic explanation of how the evolution of genes that determine aligning the life cycle of each species.
However, there are things that can not be explained by classical theory, for example what human mortality in the first year of life is very high and then decreased with the addition of age.
Lee's theory is considered as a breakthrough in biological aging. Defines the classical theory of aging in relation to natural selection and fertility in the life cycle. Lee menambahan factor maintenance functions. According to Lee, the man began life as a "domesticated" and gradually became caretaker after having children.
According to Lee, the non-social species in which the parent does not need to maintain the child, apply the classical theory. Individuals die after the reproductive function. While the social species that has reached the optimum balance between the number of offspring and maintenance functions, differences in fertility are no longer important and the rate of aging is controlled entirely by the transfer effect.
Lee's theory explains the high number of infant deaths decreased dramatically with age. Mutation causes of death in late childhood, after a careful maintenance, lost faster than the mutation causes of death in infants. This theory also explains why women live longer even after menopause. Women maintain that child and prolong his age.
Do you agree or do you have another view on this issue? I have a question about this theory. Why did the tortoise could have a long life for hundreds of years even though during his life he never take care of their children??

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Immunity from Cancer


The good news for all of us, especially for those of you with cancer. Recently, the experts at the University of Rochester have succeeded in solving the mystery of the Naked Mole. Wew, Naked Mole?? What was special from this “ugly thing”?? Nothing, absolutely nothing except that this mole are the only animals in the world that appear to be completely immune to cancer.

The findings, which were published recently in an issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, bring optimism that the cure to cancer may not be far off. Even more encouraging, scientists traced the naked mole rats' ability to stay tumorless to the operation of a single gene.

Dubbed 'p16', the gene works by making cells "claustrophobic", essentially keeping them from replicating when too many crowd together. Since cancer is caused by runaway cell growth, the gene acts as a fail-safe mechanism, preventing cell proliferation from cascading out of control.

"It's very early to speculate about the implications, but if the effect of p16 can be simulated in humans, we might have a way to halt cancer before it starts," said University of Rochester researchers Vera Gorbunova and Andrei Seluanov.

Good news, Lets we all hope that this research can bring good result soon. Oh, one more special thing from naked mole is fact that they have a long live. Some naked mole rats have been known to live more than 30 years. Hmm…

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Human Biological Clock

The picture above is a diagram of the human biological clock that I got from Wikipedia. I think is very important to know. Activities that we do on the right biological clock would be more efficient and quality. Even this will affect our health tremendously. For example, if we reverse use to work night and day to sleep, believe me, your face will look like a zombie. That’s not good thing, right?
Here, I’m not going to explain many things about this cycle. I believe just by looking at the picture above you already know what it is the human biological clock. For those of you who might be a little confused by some of terms in the picture, I will try to help by giving some definitions that I got from several resources.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Stop Looking for Mr. Right and Marry Mr. Good Enough!!

wedding Yes, Maybe it is little irrelevant with the topic of my blog, but I think good and happy marriage life have a big influence in someone health. For a long time ago, I always believed that everything that other people seen from us is come from inside, from our hearth. The true health, beauty and everything will come out if we feel happy. For most people, the spouse is crucial if we will happy or not. If you agree, I have one book that could help you create a good marriage life. Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough by Lori Gottlieb.

The point of this  book, due out in Britain this spring, is that many single women get to a state of desperation in searching for a husband because they don’t make wise decisions early on, such as dating dependable men rather than handsome cads — the sort who take you to bed for six months, spend your money, rip out your heart and stomp it to a bloody pulp.

Her stark message ran directly counter to the neofeminist Sex and the Cityperpetuated mantra that we should all hold out for The One because we’re worth it. “Don’t worry about passion or intense connection,” Gottlieb wrote, “because if you want to have the infrastructure in place to have a family, settling is the way to go. Settling will probably make you happier in the long run, since many of those who marry with great expectations become more disillusioned with each passing year.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Watching TV Really not Good for Your Heart

watching-tv-2 Be careful!! TV is currently in your room may be your biggest invisible enemy. Every hour you spend time in front of TV every day can increase the chance of death from heart disease by one-fifths. Wow, that is shocking news! Is that true?? Well, I do not talk nonsense here. This fact is the result of research conducted by Australian scientist, led by Professor Dunstan. They had been observed around 9.000 people over the past six years, classifying them into groups based on how much they watch TV. The result, the group  that watched the most (four or more hours an day) were 80 % more likely to develop heart disease and die from it.
How?? What’s wrong with TV?? Nothing is wrong, heart attack not consequent by the TV directly. This is more because of our habit of watching TV. Recognized or not, only TV or DVD that can make us sit in silence for many hours everyday. That is the real problem, not the TV!
“Even if someone has a healthy body weight, sitting for long periods of time still has unhealthy influence on their blood sugar and blood fats,” says Professor David Dunstan, the study’s lead researcher.
"What has happened is that a lot of the normal activities of daily living that involved standing up and moving the muscles in the body have been converted to sitting," he said. "Technological, social, and economic changes mean that people don't move their muscles as much as they used to - consequently the levels of energy expenditure as people go about their lives continue to shrink."
So what should you do? Get moving! Find creative ways to keep mobile -- bike instead of drive, do chores while watching tv, throw away the remote -- and you'll give yourself the best chance for a long and healthy life.
Any other idea?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

6 easiest step to get slim body

No need to feel tortured to get your ideal body. Simply by changing daily lifestyle you can too can achieve your desires. Try to do daily simple steps below to ensure that you reach your dream weight in a healthy way.
  1. Check your weight everyday, If your body weight continues to increase every few days, it is a sign of danger that you should start to reduce intake of fatty foods, or increase the portion of practice.
  2. Consume fruit twice a day, fruit has no fat, and most of its contents are water, so that will give satiety in your stomach. While providing a place for high-calorie foods. The fruit also has lots of healthy fiber. Make sure you add this fat-burning foods in your diet everyday.
  3. Body shaping 3 times a week, Do push-ups combined, half squat and squat turns within 5 minutes, and give pause each time 30 second. This exercise wild build and maintain body mass. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism, so will the more calories you burn in daily activities.